Home Adekunle Oladipo Olofintila

Adekunle Oladipo Olofintila

Adekunle Oladipo Olofintila

Prof. Adekunle Oladipo Olofintila

5, Olofintila Street, Isheri-Olowora,Lagos.

Tel: 08062060287


Date of Birth                  :         24th March, 1949

Sex                                  :         Male

Nationality                      :         Nigeria

Place of Birth                  :         Odo Ora Ekiti

State of Origin                :         Ekiti State

Local Govt. Area             :         Ido-Osi Local Government

Religion                          :         Christianity

Marital Status                  :         Married

Permanent Address                  :         C/o St. Stephen’s Ang. Church, Ora Ekiti,
Via P. O. Box 50, Ifaki Ekiti, Ekiti State.

Postal Address                :         C/o Mr. I. O. Orisasona, Registry Unit, Yaba
Coll. Of Technology, P.M.B 2011, Yaba, Lagos.


  1. St. Stephens Ang. School, Ora,Ekiti State. 1955-1958
  1. Omodewa L. A School, Ido- Ekiti State 1959-1960
  1. Ekiti Parapo College, Ido Ekiti State 1961-1963
  1. Imesi-Ile High School, Imesi-Ile, Via Ilesha.Osun State 1964-1966
  1. College of Education, University of Lagos, Akoka 1970-1973
  1. University of Lagos, School of Post Graduate Studies 1992-1995
  1. University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria 1999-2001
  1. Lead City University, Ibadan 2007-2010
  1. University of Entrepreneurship and Technology, USA 2015-2018


  1. WASC      1966
  2. NCE         1973
  3. ACIS        1982
  4. ASCA       1982
  5. MPA        1995
  6. MED        2003
  7. D               2010
  8. D               2018


Methodist Boys High School,

11, Broad St. Lagos

Post Held:  Teacher                                    1st July 1973 – 30th June, 1983


Yaba College of Technology, Yaba, Lagos

Post Held:  Lecturer:                                   1st July, 1983 to 31st July, 2006

Federal Polytechnic Ado Ekiti

Sabbatical Leave                                          1st August 2006 to 31st July, 2007

Yaba College of Technology, Yaba               1st August 2007 to 24th March 2009.


UET RESEARCH CENTRE NIGERIA     Chief Assessor for Nigeria, Ghana & Sierra Leone


  • Introduction to Computer                                                                       1992
  • Understanding Computers Through Questions and Answers         1992
  • Understanding Computers Through Questions
    And Answers with Flowcharting and decision tables                         1993

Elements of Data Processing                                                                   1993

  • Elements of office Administration                                                          1995
  • Introduction to Public Administration                                                  1996
  • Quantitative Techniques for Management and
    Professional students                                                                                1997
  • Principles of Development Administration                                          1998
  • Introduction to Public Finance                                                               1998
  • Managerial Economics                                                                             2002
  • Elements of Business                                                                                2003
  • Consumer Economics                                                                               2005
  • Public Sector Accounting                                                                         2007


  • Topic: Financial Sector Reforms and Economic Growth in Nigeria Publisher: National Centre for Economic Management And Administration (NCEMA) Ibadan.
  • Topic: Integrating Information Technology into the Business Education Curriculum Published in Yaba Journal of Management Vol. No.1 2004.
  • Topic: Equipment’s and Tools needed to sustain Business Education in Nigeria Published in National Association of Business Educators Journal 2003.
  • Topic: Fee Negotiation: Published by Institute of Company and Commercial Accountants of Nigeria, Yaba.
  • Topic: Accountability and Probity in a Democratic Nigeria: The Role of Accountants Published By ICCA, Yaba, Nigeria
  • Topic: Historical Perspectives on Education Reforms And Consolidation. Published by South West Journal of Teacher Education 2007 Edition.
  • Topic: Business Education: A Gateway to National Development And Survival. Book of Readings, Association of Business Educators of Nigeria October 2006.
  • Topic: The place of Universal Basic Education (UBE) in sustainable

National Development published by the spring board journal of AL-HIKMAH UNIVERSITY,                       ILORIN MAY 2009.


  • 7TH International Micro Informatics Maintenance Training Programme Conducted By the Department of Computer, YabaTech and Governmental Informatics Programme of UNESCO Oct – Nov. 1999.
  • Training Programme On Sectoral Policy Analysis And Management At National Centre for Economic Management And Administration (NCEMA) Ibadan May 28 – June 15, 2001.
  • Computer Appreciation Course, Organised by YabaTech – UNESCO April, 18th – 20th
  • Positioning Gifted Education in Nigeria Organized by Lead City University, in Collaboration with GOOMIIT Education consultants 7th – 8th April, 2009.


  1. Topic:           Information Security and control: The Challenge of the Millennium
  • Delivered in the series of seminars
  • Organized by the School of Management and Business studies, Yaba College of Technology – 18/4/2000
  1. Topic:           Conflict Resolution – Expectations and Realities

Delivered During the May Day Celebration at Egbin NEPA Station on 4/5/2000.

  1. Topic:           Structuring Effective Tax Compensation System

Delivered at Cocoa House, Investment, Ibadan on 24th June, 2000.

  1. Topic:           Overview of Treasury Management In A Democratic Setting, Roles And Responsibilities
  • Delivered At The Induction Seminar of The Institute of Corporate Treasurers And Accountants of Nigeria, Yaba, at Airport Hotel, 17th Sept. 2005.
  1. Topic:           Overview of Treasury Management In a Democratic Setting, Roles and Responsibilities
  • Delivered at the Induction Seminar of The Institute of Corporate Treasurer And Accountants, Airport Hotel, Conference Centre, Ikeja, December 6th, 2001.
  1. Topic:           (1) Methods of Handling Conflicts and

(2) Transactionary Analysis at CBN, Satellite Town, Festac       2002

  1. Course: Productivity Improvement Course

Topic:                   Work Study: Its Application In Labour Productivity

Venue:         N.N.P.C Training Centre, MOSIMI Sagamu August 7th 2001

  • Other Topics Discussed.
  • Management Principles And Practice, 8th Aug, 2007
  • Principles of Organizational Structure, 8th Aug, 2007
  • Management Decision Making, 9th Aug, 2001
  • Topics Facilitated At The Management Appreciation course Held For Recruitment Managers of Vitamalt Plc, Agbara Industrial Estate, Badagry Expressway At Vitamalt Training Centre, Agbara.

Dates: 17th & 18th February, 2001

Topics:        (1.)     The Role and Responsibilities of Personnel

Assistants in the Civil Services

  • Civil Service Rules and Regulations
  • Management Decision Making.
  1. Topics Discussed at the Women Centre Abuja, On the Training Programme for Staff of Ministry of Solid Minerals, Abuja

Date: August 14th 2001

  1. Topic:           Date:

(1.)     Review of Costing Methods                         10/7/2000

(2.)     Budgets and Budgetary Control                    11/7/2000

(3.)     Review of Standard Costing                         11/7/2000

(4.)     Process Costing                                           12/7/2000

Venue: Ewekoro Works Training Centre,

Abeokuta Road, Ogun State

Date:           May 20th 2007

  1. Title of Paper Presented: Accountability And Probilty In Democratic

Nigeria: The Role of the Accountant.

Place Delivered:     Ikeja Airport Hotel Conference Centre

Date:                     February 19th, 2005

  1. Title Of Paper: Fee Negotiation

Place Delivered:     Ikeja Airport Hotel

Date:                     May 20th, 2005

Workshop:            For Professional Accountants

  1. Title of Paper: Current Issues on Receivership, In Solvency and


Place Delivered:     Ikeja Airport Hotel

Date:                     May 21st, 2005.

Workshop:            For Accountants.

  1. Title of Paper: Effective Servicing of Minutes

Place Delivered:     N.T. & G.T Employers Association, Training Room, Ikeja.

Date:                     May 7th 2003.

Workshop:            For Secretaries

  1. Title of Paper: Techniques of Memory Improvement

Place Delivered:     N.T. & G.T Employers Association, Training Room, Ikeja.

Date:                     May 8th 2003.

  1. Title of Paper: Business Education for National Development And

Self-Reliance in Deregulated Economy.

Placed Delivered:   Federal College of Education (TECH), Akoka

Date:                     June 8th – 11th June 2003.

National Conference

  1. Title of Paper: Audit Planning Methods, Audit Techniques,

Financial Regulations And Corporate Fraud.

Placed Delivered:   Airport Hotel, Conference Centre, Ikeja

Date:                     May 20th, 2003.

Workshop:            For Accountants

  1. Title of Paper: Preparing Statutory Financial Statements

Placed Delivered:   Airport Hotel, Conference Centre, Ikeja

Date:                     May 10th , 2003.

Workshop             For Accountants

  1. Title of Paper: Records Management In School Administration

Placed Delivered:   Teachers Seminar At St. Judes School, Festac Town.

Date:                     April 2005.

Workshop             For Assistant/Head Teachers

  1. Title of Paper: Information Communication Technology (ICT)

And Technological Advancement in Nigeria.

Placed Delivered:   8th National Conference of the School of Business Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria.

Date:                    July 8th – 11 July, 2008.

  1. Title of Paper: Business Education for National Development and

Self-Reliance in Deregulated Economy.

Placed Delivered:   National Conference of the School of Technical Education, Federal College of Education, (TECH), Akoka, Lagos.

Date:                     June 24th 2004.

  1. Title of Paper: Historical Perspectives to Education Reforms and


Placed Delivered:   National Conference of COEASU South West

West Zonal Delegates Congress, Federal College of Education, (TECH), Akoka, Lagos.

Date:                     November 13th – 16th 2007.

  1. Title of Paper: In Corporating Business Education into NEEDS: A

quick way to Nation Building.

Place Delivered:     2nd National Conference of School of Education

Federal College of Education (TECH) Akoka, Yaba,

Lagos at the Multipurpose Hall.

Date:                     13th – 16th June, 2006.

  1. Title of Paper: Integrating Information Technology into Business

Education Curriculum.

Place Delivered:     National Association of Business Educators (NABE)

Ondo Ekiti State chapter.

Held at St Peters Unity Secondary School, Akure, Ondo State.

Date:                     29th September – 1st October 2003.

  1. Title of Paper: Information Communication Technology and

Technological Advancement.

Place Delivered:     2nd National Conference of the school of Business and

Management Studies.  The Federal Polytechnic offa, Kwara State.

Date:                     17th July, 2007.

  1. Title of Paper: The Role of small and medium Scale Enterprises in the

growth and Development of Nigeria Economy.

Place Delivered:     4th Annual National Conference of School of Business Studies, Federal Polytechnic, Ado Ekiti.

Date:                     7th – 9th October 2008.

  1. Title of Paper: Professional Ethics: Setting up a Practice.

Place Delivered:     Airport Hotel Ikeja for ICCA

Date:                     Saturday, May 10th 2003.

  1. Title of Paper: Education Reforms for Sustainable National growth

and Development.

Place Delivered:     3rd National Conference of School of Business Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Multipurpose Hall.

Date:                     25th – 27th September, 2007.


  1. Examination Officer (SMBS) 1985-1988
  2. Polytechnic Syllabus Review Committee 1986
  3. Board of Survey 1991 – 1993
  4. School Examination Misconduct Committee (SEMIC) 1992-1995
  5. Member, Board of Examination, Local Government

and Public Administration section, YABATECH             1993 – 2000

  1. Research And Development Committee 1995 – 1997
  2. “Member Exp. 0.98” 1997
  3. Membership of Various Committees In The Department

of Accountancy And Finance Dept. YCT                        1983 – 1996

  1. Membership/Chairmanship of various Committees

in the Dept. of Bus. Admin, YABA                                 1997 – 2000

  1. Chairman Teaching Practice Committee (TTTP) 2000 – 2004
  2. Journal and Publication Committee (TTTP) 2000 – 2003

12      Senior Staff Investigation Panel                                       2005 – 2007


*        House Master, Disbury House                                         1976 – 1982

*        Head of Department of Social/Business Studies               1975 – 1982

*        Assistant Supervisor – Adult Education,

MBHS Centre, Lagos                                                      1974 – 1982

*        Coordination, Business Education, Under the

Technical Teachers Training Programme (TTTP)             2000 – 2006

*        Adviser to NABAMS/ND & HND Classes                     1983 – 2005

*        Chairman Semic (Business Education Dept.)                    2002 – 2006


Mr. I. O. Orisasona,

Registry Dept,

Yaba College of Tech,

  1. M. B 2011,

Yaba, Lagos.

Tel:-   08034253369

Chief E. A. Olatilu,

8, Odobo Street,

Ogba, Ikeja,


Tel:- 08033130817

Dr. Kehinde Faluyi,

Department of History & Strategic Studies,

University of Lagos,

Akoka, Lagos.

Tel:- 08037219157