Her Excellency Monica Sekhmet Grant
Monica Sekhmet Grant is a successful businesswoman and media developer based in New York City. She is an international personality, speaking on topics such as Entrepreneurship, Media Advocacy and Leadership, Women’s Empowerment, Social Justice, and International Business.
Monica is the founder of Young Boss Media Inc, a social justice media production company and Young Boss Media Activist Institute Inc, an educational organization focused on teaching young adults how to produce socially conscious media. Young Boss Media is the parent company of Young Boss Africa and Young Boss Asia.
Monica is the President of Reocomm Technology Energy & Maritime Group LLC, which emerged in 2020 to supply medical clinics to communities devastated by Covid-19. As President of Reocomm Foundation Global Incorporated, Monica is focused on empowering women and girls around the globe, in the areas of health, education, and technology.
Monica was awarded the FIGHR Prize of Peace 2020 Outstanding Emerging Youth Award by The Federation of International Gender and Human Rights.
She is the author of Mind Your Business and Prosper, a self-help workbook for young entrepreneurs.
She is the host of The Monica Grant Show, a studio talk show filled with inspirational wisdom and business commentary, along with thought-provoking interviews, known as Mentorship Calls, intended to prepare a new generation of entrepreneurs, social innovators, and artists with relevant information to succeed in a global business market.
Monica provides Intuitive Transformational Business Coaching to women entrepreneurs in Africa, Asia and the USA, helping them identify limiting beliefs, create new possibilities for their life and achieve business success that they can be proud of.
She was appointed as an International Director of Management and Business Consultants – Africa (MBC-Africa), a not-for-profit, non-political network of Business, Investment, and Management Consultants who seek to improve the socio-economic development of Africa through African businesses and institutions.
Outside of her busy life, Monica enjoys spending time in nature, creating art, eating delicious food, and being close to family and friends.
To contact Monica Sekhmet Grant email mgrant@test.asianafrican.org